Reading Aloud
Dianne has been reading aloud since, when still a child herself, she read to her younger siblings. When she was in high school, those same siblings took turns feeding her lines for her parts in plays while she stood washing dishes for their family of nine. In college she majored briefly in theater and later applied what she learned when dramatizing Plato’s dialogues for her philosophy students. Now she enjoys bringing her own characters to life at public readings.

Dianne prefers live audiences, but when no one is around she makes do with straw animals crafted in the state of Michoacán.
Reading: Callie’s Fascination with French. Callie uses logic on her parents so she can follow her heart.
Reading: Callie Hears Pamela Play “El niño perdido (The Lost Child).”

Hotel Santa Fe restaurant, where Callie hears Pamela play “The Lost Child”
The Trumpet Lesson
She Writes Press; September, 2019
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“Like the network of callejones that connect surrounding neighborhoods to Guanajuato’s city center, Romain’s masterful storytelling leads through secret, dark passages of the human soul, confronting embedded societal attitudes toward teenage pregnancy, adoption, race, and the power of family secrets. A story of mystery, love, and redemption.”
―PATRICIA DAMERY, analyst member of the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco and author of the forthcoming Fruits of Eden: Napa and the Quest for a Conscious Activism
“With humor and exquisite tenderness, Dianne Romain vibrantly depicts the city of Guanajuato, the complexity of the human heart, and the struggle to forge true home and family. The Trumpet Lesson is really a lesson in loving and being loved. Prepare to be charmed.”
―STEPH KILEN, freelance writer and adjunct lecturer, Carroll University